Tuesday, February 17, 2009

¡Vamos a Chile!

It's really happening! Tomorrow I'll be on a plane headed for Santiago, Chile. I will be spending the next 5 months as an exchange student at a Catholic university taking math classes in Spanish. Sounds like a dream come true, huh?

I'm new at this blogging business so I hope you'll allow me a grace period to get things figured out. The goal here is to post every once in a while to let you all know what's going on with me on the other side of the equator. I'd like to put up videos as well, for those of you who aren't into reading, but I'm not exactly sure what sort of Internet connection will be available. Hopefully this isn't my last video post. The goal is to make the first half of the video in English and the second half in Spanish. The whole reason I'm going down there is to eat, breath, dream, and live in Spanish and I see this as a way to sort of record my progress. Plus, I'll be able to share Chilean slang with anybody who's interested.

The day after I get into Santiago I will hop on a bus with my friends Lisa and Jon. A 14 hour bus ride south will just about put us in Patagonia. We'll be staying in hostels, crossing over into Argentina, drinking wine, and hiking around a bit. I'm not sure when I'll be able to get online during this part of my trip so, if you're not my mom, I don't guarantee you any communication! In March I'll be starting classes and I'll for sure have access to the Internet.

Please, please, please send me e-mails, Facebook messages, letters, and singing telegrams...at least twice a week. I really want to stay in contact with you. I sent YOU the link to my blog for a reason. I'm going to miss you a ton!

Okay...ya me voy. ¡Abrazos a todos!

Cool face huh?